Hey! This teemu again and pete (the main scandi flowbo), in a cool potato edit.
penis owl… Photo : loic benoit
Have a happy today with this clip from the Lyon skatepark, who is who?
When the world is ending, our video is starting… Tomorow…
His new blog Photo : loic benoit
He's POJU from finland, some flowbo rider, hopefully we can see more in the NEW…
It's ONLINE!!!! it's NOW!!!!
If you don't have it yet, ask for it at Vntiz skateboards, a handmade manufactured…
The fourth and last trailer for the X yearZ video . Enjoy your last weekend…
Remy Taveira hitted the road all around Europe with his homies last summer … His…
Fucking awesome!! If you knew this crazy wall from chelles skatepark in Paris (RIP), you…