New series "The horror industry" designed by chris "seapuppy" jensen. Piss and love
New series "The horror industry" designed by chris "seapuppy" jensen. Piss and love
Thanks to sewers skateshop in spain for the fucking cool edit. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL…
Vntiz slept, skate and eat on the mini ramp at Bud Marseille skateshop. Thanks MoMo
Best Trucs Pyramide Wall Street X Antiz.
The VNTIZ x CARHARTT TOUR : SWISS BANK is online, conceptual, pure, high, fire and…
BOUM!!! Gabeeb on the last Kingpin cover, with our Vntiz x Carhartt tour in Swiss…
We knew remy was that hot but fuck…
Good time in Marseille …
Dom and Hirschi go for a ride in the Berlin Streets with their homie Danny…
If you are in Marseille tomorrow pass by La Friche for a mini-ramp session at…